
[따배씨] 14.10 복합 리터럴 본문


[따배씨] 14.10 복합 리터럴

migrationArc 2021. 6. 26. 18:05

[따배씨] 14.10 복합 리터럴

따배씨 - 따라하며 배우는 C언어

14강 구조체_1

14.10 복합 리터럴 Compound Literals

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAXTITL 41
#define MAXAUTL 31

struct book

    char title[MAXTITL];
    char author[MAXAUTL];
    //char* title;          // Not recommended
    //char* author;         // Not recommended
    float price;

struct rectangle {
    double width;
    double height;

double rect_area(struct rectangle r)
    return r.width * r.height;

double rect_area_ptr(struct rectangle * r)
    return r->width * r->height;

int main()
    struct book book_to_read = {"Crime and Punishment", "Fyodor Dostoyevsky", 11.25f};
        Compound literals
        - Temporary structure values
    strcpy(book_to_read.title, "Alice in wonderland");
    strcpy(book_to_read.author, "Lewis Carroll");
    book_to_read.price = 20.3f;
    struct book book2 = {"Alice in Wonderland", "Lewis Carroll", 20.3f};
    book_to_read = book2;
    book_to_read = (struct book){"Alice in Wonderland", "Lewis Carroll", 20.3f};
    printf("%s %s\n", book_to_read.title, book_to_read.author);
    struct rectangle rec1 = { 1.0, 2.0 };
    double area = rect_area(rec1);
    area = rect_area((struct rectangle) {1.0, 2.0});
    area  = rect_area_ptr(&(struct rectangle) {.height = 3.0, .width = 2.0});
    // Designated initializers
    printf("%f\n", area);
    return 0;
struct book book_to_read = {"Crime and Punishment", "Fyodor Dostoyevsky", 11.25f};

//book_to_read = {"Alice in Wonderland", "Lewis Carroll", 20.3f};	//Error
  • 한번 초기화된 후에는 선언과 같은 방법으로 구조체 값을 변경하지 못함


  • 구조체 값 변경 방법

1. member 를 직접 변경

strcpy(book_to_read.title, "Alice in wonderland");
strcpy(book_to_read.author, "Lewis Carroll");
book_to_read.price = 20.3f;

2. 새로운 구조체를 대입하여 변경

struct book book2 = {"Alice in Wonderland", "Lewis Carroll", 20.3f};
book_to_read = book2;

3. 복합 리터럴 구조체로 변경

book_to_read = (struct book){"Alice in Wonderland", "Lewis Carroll", 20.3f};



  • 함수에 구조체 입력

1. 구조체 변수를 입력

struct rectangle rec1 = { 1.0, 2.0 };
double area = rect_area(rec1);

2. 복합 리터럴을 입력

area = rect_area((struct rectangle) {1.0, 2.0});

3. 복합 리터럴의 pointer 입력

area  = rect_area_ptr(&(struct rectangle) {.height = 3.0, .width = 2.0});
// Designated initializers
  • 복합 리터럴은 L-value 이기 때문에, pointer 가 존재



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